Sunday Talk



Face the State WFSB 8:30a.m.

Host: Dennis House

Governor’s race: Where’s the money gone?

Cmsr. Scott Jackson, Department of Revenue Services

Who’s Winning the Race?

Hartford Courant Columnist Kevin Rennie

CT Mirror reporter Keith Phaneuf

US Senate Race

(R) Matt Corey

Image result for fox61 the real storyThe Real Story Fox CT Sunday Fox 61  10 a.m.

Host: Jennifer Bernstein and Al Terzi

State Rep. William Tong (D) Stamford, running for State Attorney General, discusses what his priorities would be,  including challenging policies of the Trump Administration.

Veteran Capitol reporters assess the campaign for Connecticut governor.

-Chris Keating, Bureau Chief, Hartford Courant

-Christine Stuart, Editor,

-Mark Pazniokas, Bureau Chief,

What you need to know about the Senate hearings for  US Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

-Prof. William Dunlap, Quinnipiac University School of Law


CT Capitol Report WTNH Sunday 10:00am

Host: Tom Dudchik