Sunday Talk


Host: Dennis House

Sports betting: State Rep Matt Ritter D/State Rep Dave Yaccarino R

Presidential race

State Rep. Mike D’Agostino for Bernie Sanders

State Senator Matt Lesser for Elizabeth Warren

State Senator Bob Duff for Pete Buttigieg


Denise D’Ascenzo on “Save the Sound”




The Real Story  Fox 61  10 a.m.

Hosts: Jennifer Bernstein and Al Terzi

-Mark Ojakian, President CT State Colleges & Universities

-Rep. Roland Lemar (D) – Transportation Cmte Co-Chair

-David Sullivan, former prosecutor, Republican candidate for Congress (CT-5)

Real People Fox61 10:30 am

Host: Stan Simpson

-Ted Carroll, President/CEO, Leadership Greater Hartfor


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Face the Facts WVIT 10 a.m.

Host: Mike Hydeck

Rep. Jim Himes (D-Connecticut) talks about impeachment and state Sen. Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) on the Governor’s executive actions to rein in health care costs.


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Power & Politics News12 Saturday at 4:30 pm, 6:30pm, & 8:30pm/Sunday 11:30am, 6:30pm & 8:30pm.

Host: John Craven

–          Newly-elected state Rep. Brian Farnen (R-Fairfield) and state Rep-Elect Harry Arora (R-Greenwich) on tolls and their goals in Hartford

–          Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz on CT and the Census

–          Congressional candidate Robert Hyde on Ukrainian text scandal

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CT Capitol Report WTNH Sunday 10:00am

Host: Tom Dudchik




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