Sunday Talk


Face the State  WFSB  8:30 a.m.

This week’s host: Mike Savino

Segment 1 – Restaurant Survival as the Cold Weather Arrives

Scott Dolch / Executive Director of the CT Restaurant Association

Segment 2 – Absentee/Mail-In Voting and How it Impacts this Year’s Election Process

Richard Roberts / Attorney with Halloran & Sage

Segment 3 – Covid Reporting by College Newspapers
Emily DiSalvo / Arts & Life Editor at The Quinnipiac Chronicle
Ashley Anglisano / News Editor at The Daily Campus (UConn)

The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Matt Caron fills in for Jenn Bernstein

Dr. Albert Ko, Chair of Infectious Disease, Yale School of Medicine

Angel Quiros, Commissioner, CT Department of Correction

Real People  Fox61  10:30 am

Host: Stan Simpson

On hiatus


Face the Facts WVIT 10 a.m.

Host: Mike Hydeck

New Amazon Distribution Facility Coming to Windsor:

Windsor Mayor Donald Trinks

Joe Toner, President of the Greater Hartford-New Britain Building & Construction Trades Council


Power & Politics News12 Saturday at 4:30 pm & 6:30/ Sunday 11:30am & 6:30pm.

Host: John Craven

  •  Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Dr. Matthew Schmidt (Univ. of New Haven) on fight to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz on final Census push and RBG’s legacy 


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CT Capitol Report WTNH  10:00am

Host: Tom Dudchik