Sunday Talk


Power & Politics News12 Saturday at 4:30 pm & 6:30/ Sunday 11:30am & 6:30pm.

Host: Eric Landskroner

Bridgeport Ballot Controversy:

Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim

Challenger John Gomes

 Analysis from Professor Gary Rose

Face the Facts WVIT 10 a.m.

Host: Mike Hydeck

Congressman Jim Himes (D-4th District) discusses the release of prisoners from Iran, including a Weston man. He gives insight on what went into those negotiations and what it means for future relations with Iran. Plus, he discusses the possibility of a government shutdown at the end of the month.

Frank Reynolds, President & CEO of United Illuminating, explains why the utility is suing PURA over its recent decision to grant UI a 2% rate increase instead of the requested 8%. He wants ratepayers to hear UI’s side.

Kyle Jones reports on how the City of New Haven turned its finances around, but why most of its $22 million surplus is already earmarked.


CT ’23  WFSB  8:30 a.m.

Host: Eric Parker

Segment 1 – WFSB Chief Political Reporter Susan Raff and CT Insider’s Dan Haar on the Nora Dannehy Special Session and the fallout from the Bridgeport Mayoral Primary

Segment 2 – CT Judge and author of The Common Flaw: Needless Complexity in the Courts and 50 Ways to Reduce It Thomas Moukawsher on What’s Wrong in the US Court System and How to Fix those Issues

Segment 3 –  Anthony Anthony, Chief Marketing Officer for the CT Office of Tourism on Fall in Connecticut and the final week of the Big E

This Week in Connecticut WTNH 10:00 am

Host: Dennis House

Ballot controversy:

John Gomes (D) for mayor of Bridgeport

Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly

The Big E: Governor Ned Lamont

Veterans on the Sound: Erik Dobratz

CT Capitol Report WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

 John McKinney, Liz Kurantowicz, Joe Aresimowicz, and Mayor Danielle Wong (D-Bloomfield) join Tom

SEEC to investigate absentee ballot fraud allegations in Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary
Is Connecticut’s EV rebate program on the right track? A conversation with Meghan Portfolio, Yankee Institute
Governor Lamont’s Supreme Court Nominee on why she left the Dept. of Justice in 2020
Gov. Lamont in a pickle. Pickleball, that is.

The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Emma Wulfhorst