Sunday Talk


CT Capitol Report          WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

Panel:  John McKinney, Mayor Danielle Wong, Liz Kurantowicz and Joe Aresimowicz join Tom.

Matt Corey wins Republican Primary of US Senate. Does he have a shot against Sen Chris Murphy?
A Look at Other Primary Day outcomes
Early Voting in Connecticut. Is it Working
Connecticut Conference of Municipalities Executive Director & CEO Joe DeLong on 119k Commission to help disconnected and at-risk youth
PURA Approve Rate Hikes. Is it time for lawmakers to step in?


Face the Facts      NBC Connecticut

Host: Mike Hydeck

Rep. Joe Courtney (D- 2nd District) joins Mike to discuss this week’s announcement that Medicare recipients will benefit from lower prices on ten prescription medications starting in 2026. He explains the law change that made it possible, and whether more drugs will be added to the list in the future.

Sen. Ryan Fazio (R- Greenwich) is talking about what makes up the controversial Public Benefits Charge on our electric bills, and how Republicans in the legislature want to address it.

Former Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin is heading to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago as a delegate for Connecticut. He talks with Mike about the unusual circumstances surrounding this year’s vote, and the message he expects to hear from Kamala Harris during the convention.

Power & Politics 
News12  Saturday at 4:30 pm/ Sunday 11:30am.
Host:  Mark Sudol

Stamford Democratic candidate for State Rep Jonathan Jacobson discusses antisemitic remarks about him by his opponent State Rep Anabel Figueroa

Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo on his recent to trip to Italy

CT ’24     WFSB  8:30 a.m.
Host:  Eric Parker

U.S. Republican Senate Candidate Matt Corey on his primary win and the road to Election Day

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal on his visit to Ukraine, Electricity Costs in CT

Breeze Airways Founder and CEO David Neeleman on offering flights out of HVN and the expanded offerings at BDL

WTNH 10:00 am

This Week in Connecticut   
Host: Dennis House

Housing boom:
Ken Gosselin Hartford Courant
Trooper Pelletier memorial game:
Rob Dibble, former major league player
Summer tax tips:
Joel Nowakowski accountant

The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Emma Wulfhorst


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