Sunday Talk

WTNH 10:00 am





This Week in Connecticut   
Host: Dennis House


CT Capitol Report          WTNH  10:30am


Host:  Tom Dudchik Panel:  John McKinney, Mayor Danielle Wong, Liz Kurantowicz and Joe Aresimowicz join Tom.
The Presidential Debate – Reaction from state lawmakers and the 5 Congressional District candidates
News 8 Political Contributor Mike Cerulli: The Ballot Amendment on the Ballot & voting equipment upgrades
Gov. Lamont and the future of wind power initiatives
UConn goes to the White House, Coach Hurley uses a bad word
NBC Connecticut   Host: Mike Hydeck


The school year is off to a rocky start in many districts. The Connecticut Education Association says teacher burnout and an increase in student behavioral issues are just some of the challenges they are facing. CEA President Kate Dias shares some of the solutions they’re proposing, as well as some of the bright spots that have emerged.

Affordable housing is a touchy subject in a number of Connecticut communities, but a new project in Waterbury could serve as a model for other municipalities. Linden Place is the result of a public-private partnership. Kathy Luria, Executive Director of the Harold Webster Smith Foundation, joins Mike to explain how stakeholders got it done.

NBC CT Political Reporter Mike Savino reports on a rally at the Capitol this week over rising electric rates, and why the governor seems to be reluctant to call a special session.


Power & Politics 
News12  Saturday at 4:30 pm/ Sunday 11:30am.


Host:  Mark Sudol 

Fairfield University Professor Gayle Alberda on Tuesday’s presidential debate

State Representative Matt Blumenthal talks about an absentee voting question on the state’s November ballots

John Craven speaks to a West Haven man who has a *miraculous* 9-11 survival story


WFSB  8:30 a.m.


CT ’24     

Host:  Eric Parker

Erika Franklin Fowler, Ph.D. of the Wesleyan Media Project discusses the Presidential Campaign and her group’s monitoring of campaign ads

Eric George, President of the Insurance Association of Connecticut, on what’s behind rising auto/home insurance rates

The reasons a local veterinary hospital brought a social worker on staff with Michele Watson, LCSW and Drs. Shonna Kalos and Paul Badeau of the Bolton Veterinary Hospital

The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Emma Wulfhorst