Sunday Talk

This Week in Connecticut   
Host: Dennis House    WTNH 10:00 am
Cheshire viral video:
Annie Dunleavy, former teacher
2026 election:
Comptroller Sean Scanlon D
Health Report Card:
Jeff Flaks President and CEO Hartford Healthcare

CT Capitol Report          WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

Panel:  John McKinney, Mayor Danielle Wong, Liz Kurantowicz and Joe Aresimowicz .
Sen. Murphy’s post-election, gut-check on social media about the Democratic party
Sen. Murphy comments on Matt Gaetz as Trump AG nominee
Gov. Lamont pulls plug on EV mandate
News 8’s Mike Cerulli on recounts for 8 Senate and 65 House Districts
New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart takes swipes at some Dems on X
Connecticut’s Christmas Movie Trail
NBC Connecticut   Host: Mike Hydeck

House Minority Leader Rep. Vincent Candelora (R- North Branford) talks with Mike about the need to diversify the state’s energy sources.

United Illuminating CEO Frank Reynolds answers Mike’s questions about why Connecticut Natural Gas and Southern CT Gas are asking for more money when PURA is proposing a reduction.

NBC CT Political Reporter Mike Savino reports on the takeaways from this week’s energy summit.


Power & Politics 
News12  Saturday at 4:30 pm/ Sunday 11:30am.

Host:  Mark Sudol 

State Senate Minority Leader Stephen Harding on the issues Republicans are bringing up in the next state legislative session

Newly elected State Representative District 148 Jonathan Jacobson on his hopes for Stamford

Reporter John Craven on Governor Lamont just ending his controversial E-V mandate

WFSB  8:30 a.m.


CT ’24 
Host:  Eric Parker


Hartford Mayor Arunan Arulampalam and East Hartford Mayor Connor Martin on their new task force on sharing services

Medicare Changes for 2025 with Licensed Broker Sean Condon

CT Foodshare President & CEO Jason Jakubowski on upcoming events to donate Thanksgiving turkeys and funds for those in need

The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Emma Wulfhorst