Sunday Talk


CT Capitol Report          WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

Panel:  John McKinney, Mayor Danielle Wong, Liz Kurantowicz and Joe Aresimowicz .

Progress made with underfunded state pensions – but more work needs to be done
Lamont weighs in on pension progress concerning guardrails
2025 and how the election could impact CT cities and towns
Report on CSCU recommednds staffing cuts, faculty responds
New Democatic Party Chair
NY State Lawmaker suggests CT, MY, MA and VT  become part of Canada, eh?
NBC Connecticut   Host: Mike Hydeck


Power & Politics 

News12  Saturday at 4:30 pm/ Sunday 11:30am.

Host:  Mark Sudol 

Joe Grabarz, Connecticut’s first openly gay legislator, talks about the passing of Governor Jodi Rell and her support for gay rights

CT DOT Communications Director Josh Morgan on the completion of the Fairfield Avenue bridge in Norwalk after the fiery crash on I-95 in May

John Craven on a new task force trying to save consumers money on prescription drugs

WFSB  8:30 a.m.

CT ’24 
Host:  Eric Parker

The Future of Rentschler Field with Capital Region Development Authority Director Michael Freimuth

Maggie Mitchell Salem, Executive Director of IRIS, speaks about President-Elect Trump and the Future of CT’s Illegal / Undocumented Immigrants

Author James Shay and Mohawk Mountain President Carol Schoenknecht Lugar discuss the unique history of the first ski resort to open in Connecticut

This Week in Connecticut   
Host: Dennis House    WTNH 10:00 am


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