The Cuomo Conundrum


We don’t like to kick someone when they are down, but we should not let this weekend’s events pass without comment.

One of the best analysis pieces we have seen on the Cuomo situation comes from and assesses the root problem as arrogance on the part of both Andrew and Chris.

Andrew’s oratorical style always conveyed a sense of entitlement and superiority. Chris’s on-air style conveyed a sense of moral certitude. Both, when the trouble began, asserted they could not possibly be guilty of the transgressions they were being accused of because of who they are. As Poynter notes, that is where the problems began for the Cuomo brothers.

There is early speculation that a soon to be out of work – but not done with journalism – Brian Williams might be a natural fit to replace Cuomo at CNN. Former CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin is using social media to campaign for a woman – other than herself – to fill the slot.
