The End of Snark As We Know It


The long-time editor and publisher of the TV news industry webletter, Mike James, has announced he is retiring.

In a note to subscribers James says he is no longer able to keep up the pace his daily website demands. He has been at it for almost 20 years and has more than 4,000 daily subscribers. His last posting is scheduled for mid-June and his note suggests he, or someone else, may offer a new iteration of the NewsBluezette:

 I expect to publish the final newsletter on Friday, June 16. Whether it will be replaced by something else…something brighter and newer and more modern… remains to be seen.

We at The Laurel will miss his daily observations on the contradictions, the hypocrisies, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat and the human drama of athletic competition that is television journalism in the post 9/11, post truth, era.