Anyone who has worked in politics or public relations has heard, or had occasion to use the phrase, “Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” The observation is attributed to Mark Twain.
For younger readers, who may not be familiar with the widespread use of ink in the publication of news, it means don’t go to war with the news media, because the news media has unlimited ammunition. It may not feel that way under the Trump administration, but a new poll from Quinnipiac University in Hamden suggests the adage is true(notice we didn’t say the “old” adage, because adages are old by definition).
Here are some top line numbers on Trump’s relationship with the news media:
50% of those surveyed disapprove of the way the media is covering Trump, BUT...
61% disapprove of the way Trump talks about the media
52% trust the media more than Trump(37%) to tell the truth
This all figures in to Trump’s approval number which stands at 38% – down four points from three weeks ago. The numbers suggest the media strategy that has worked for Trump throughout his life as a developer and salesman of the Trump brand is not working for him as president.