WFSB Reporter Takes It Off


The high temperatures this week seem to have had an effect on everyone, including WFSB Weathercaster Mark Dixon.  Station management apparently relaxed the dress code to include sleeveless tops during the heat wave and Dixon didn’t miss a beat. Check it out here.


  1. Credibility… That is one thing this ‘broadcaster’ doesn’t seem to care about. It’s obvious that he’s trying hard to do a few things.
    1. Draw attention to himself.. When in fact it’s supposed to be a public service. 2. Come out from Haney’s shadow by trying antics 3. Make himself look like a fool.

    He’s the Laughing stock of the state and probably just ruined his chance at a credible job anywhere. Its obvious whoever is in charge right now at wfsb is not serious about their product.. And doesn’t respect their viewers. Personally, i’m in PR and find it offensive.

    I’m not old or conservative, i just like to respect people I look to for reports to keep us safe and mr. Dixon I have no more respect for you. Time to give wtnh at noon a try.

  2. I would say it probably helped Dixon this one time….while he is a competent and credentialed meteorologist…his presentation has always been dull and average…which, I guess, suits the Hartford market. Haney and his constant clowning is the exception and has just gotten tired.

    Besides…when “serious” female anchors and reporters sit there with necklines halfway down their boobs, pushup bras and full cleavage in a deliberate attempt at playing the sex card to get ratings…no one seems to find it offensive anymore.

    Such is the state of TV news.

  3. I’m one of the last people that supports any further “dumbing down” of the news. But this was harmless fun on a day that got about as hot as it gets here in Southern New England. No harm done and good for Mark having a little fun.

  4. Wow, am I sorry I missed this! Good for Mark for having some fun. I recently switched to watching channel 3 evening news; I think Mark has a soothing voice and does a great job. He is also smoking hot!!