Worth Noting


Will Ripley of Manchester and the world.

Tronc. The owner of the Hartford Courant has laid off seven journalists at the San Diego Union-Tribune. Many of the reporters had been on staff for years. A continuing sign of cost cutting imperatives.

Dan Rather. The former CBS newsman has found a new voice on Facebook.

Will Ripley. The Manchester High graduate and CNN international correspondent finds himself in North Korea again – this time talking with North Koreans about Donald Trump.

WNPR. John Dankosky hosted a town hall on the role of the local news media in the Trump administration Monday night. It was carried on Facebook Live and your can see it here.


NYT. What do WNPR and the New York Times have in common? Both are using marketing campaigns that play off concerns about the Trump administration to urge readers and listeners to buy subscriptions and make donations.