

We at The Laurel are really trying to write about topics other than the Courant/Fox 61. But it/they are hard to ignore.

–The Courant’s web site posted, then a few hours later took down, audio of the 911 call of a Vernon murder-suicide (which involved a Fox61 employee)

–Full disclosure: Rachel Lutzker is a friend. Disclosure #2: this recent addition to the Courant’s web site, which must be embarassing to all involved


  1. It is not surprising that the Courant/Fox 61 would post and then have to remove Alice Morrin’s 911 call.

    Gone entirely is any sense of good taste. Witness the coverage on Fox 61. It is nothing short of appalling.

    Absent any taste and good judgment what else could we expect.

    They really ought to change the name of the newspaper. It is no longer a sliver of what used to be “The Courant.”